Sunday, 18 October 2015

Trainspotting Homework


The scene opens with a shot of the main character on the floor. non-digetic sound is heard as there is a voice over. because this is right at the start this is used to create the scene. when he stands up, there is music being played from what seems like a radio, a baby is heard and his footsteps. the music playing is parrell as it isnt an upbeat song or anything, its just a normal, low, quiet song. all this combined with the look of the scene makes it look like a horrible dirty place to live in. Digetic dialogue is used here between the main character and "Mother Superior" as he states that he is going to be quitting drugs, he talks about "Sean Connery" and "Moral Fibre" which have no connection with Drugs. this could be used for a comedic effect. near the end of the scene there is non-deigetic sound which is a voice over of the main character saying "we called him mother superior due to the length of his habit, of course i was going to have another shot, after all i had work to do"

the scene then cuts to the title of the movie with the sound of a train, the sound is non-digetic and makes us, as the audience, wonder what drugs, or this group of people have in relation to trainspotting.

 There is a sound bridge that links the previous scene to this new one. the scene opens with non-digetic music and digetic sounds, such as the front door opening. there is then more non-digetic sound heard as a voice over begins to speak. it talks about how to quit this certian type of drug, and what methods to use, he lists things such as "one room, which you will not leave", "Mushroom soup, 8 tins of" and "1 bucket for urine, one for feces and one for vomiting" the buckets are the highlights as during a withdrawal lapse, you will do all of these things involuntarily, but because there is non-parrell music playing, as it doesn't match the scene, it makes it funny because it almost sounds like he is on a cooking show. it doesn't match how bad all of this is really going to be. all of this creates a comedic effect which will make the audience laugh, after all this is done, the very end of the scene is the main character, being given drugs by a stranger, the comedy in this scene comes from how in his head, he doesnt sound angry, saying "This was typical of Mikey Forrester" and then exclaiming out loud "What the fuck are these"

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