Friday, 29 January 2016

Contents Page

For my Contents page i will use two photographs just like "Top Of The Pops" these will be on the contents page in my magazine. i decided on these two as i didn't use them on the cover photo or double page spread. it also looks on the first one as though he is on stage which i like.

my double page spread photo

for my double page spread, i have decided to go for the second photo. this is because i feel like it is the highest quality photograph and it looks like he has a lot of attitude in this image.

New Double Page Spread.

New Double Page Spread

I have decided that the image i have chosen for my Double page spread is too basic and is a lot like my cover photo. this means i am going to have to redo my double page spread. after thinking for a while i have decided that i want to have Jordan, My actor, on the floor with his legs pointed straight out, i want him to hold the guitar at an angle so it makes an L Shape so my photo bleeds onto the other page.

i want it kind of like this, except jordan will have his legs all the way out, and will be holding a guitar.

My Cover Photo

Cover photo

For my cover photo i am unsure of what photo to use. my favourite is the top photo because there is more light on his face than the second, and on the third i feel like the high camera angle gives him a weakened look. i'm going to use the top photo for the cover photo as i feel like it suits the front as he is facing forward and singing into a mic.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Time Management - Actor


today i decided that i want to use jordan lloyd for my shoot, i found him period 3 and asked him whether he would be able to. he agreed and we spoke about free lessons and times that are available. i am using him because he is a young teen and dresses trendy, meaning he would be the perfect model for this.

Time Management - Camera Angles

Camera Angles

i originally wanted the main cover camera angle to be from a low angle, as though to show power. but i have decided to go for a normal height, medium close up shot. this is because on the cover of most pop magazines there is a medium close up as shown.

Time Management - Costume


i spoke to jordan on the 8th of January about the clothes he would wear. i wanted it to be trendy so i went to Jordan's house with him to look at clothes he already had to avoid spending money. i wanted him to wear a white T-Shirt, with a black coat. he would also wear nice suit pants as that is quite fashionable right now. i want him to appeal to the pop genre audience. i wanted his look to almost mimic that of sam smith but without the Blazer.

Time Management - Props


For my props i originally wanted a mic and stand. when i spoke to Mrs Moyner i arranged to have a mic and guitar ready for the 15th of January. i decided to do the shots without the mic stand, and just have Jordan holding the mic. this worked well because if i had the mic stand then the shots would have had to have been from further away, to fit the whole thing.

Time Management - Location


I went around school on Thursday the 7th of january to look at locations for my photo shoot. i wanted to use a space where it will be easy to photo shop the back ground out, but i also wanted somewhere high up so i could get different kinds of shots. i decided to go to the school hall because it has these blocks for the shots. this was because they were high up. i got permission for it and decided on the days i would need it.